Abstract Submission

  • Call for Abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations
  • Participants are invited to submit their abstracts for poster/oral presentation. The abstracts must be in English and within the scope of the conference themes and subject areas. Abstracts must be submitted electronically and will be evaluated via a blind peer review process. Best 20 abstracts will be selected for Oral presentation during the conference.
  • *Prior registration is mandatory for abstract submission.
  • *Selected abstracts will be intimated via registered Email. Details of poster and oral presentation will be intimated to selected participants.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • Abstract should be original work not published or presented anywhere previously
  • Should be written in English (Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12)
  • Provide a short concise title for the Abstract (Title size: 14)
  • Mention names of authors separated by comma and affiliations below. Affiliations should be labelled with superscript alphabets. The name of presenting author should be in bold and underlined.
  • Limit the abstract to 250 words with brief introduction, methodology, significant results, discussion and conclusion.